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10 fun facts about Falcons you might fancy

Falcons are one of nature’s most majestic birds. They are one of the fast birds in the world, and you can find them on every continent in the world except for Antarctica!
When discussing falcon facts, let us acknowledge several noteworthy attributes of these majestic birds in the genus Falco.
They’re the consummate hunters of the avian world, able to spot, chase and kill prey quietly and efficiently. They’ve given their name to one of the most famous Marvel superheroes, and humans have relied on them for
millennia as effective hunting partners.

In this article, we will explore 10 fun facts about falcons you might fancy, uncovering some of the lesser-known aspects of these magnificent birds.

1. Falcons are fast

The Peregrine Falcon holds the record for the fastest animal in the world, reaching an incredible speed of 240 miles per hour, even faster than the fastest land animal, the cheetah. It results from a natural design.
To allow them to reach such mindblowing speeds, these birds boast aerodynamic torsos and specially pointed wings, as well as adapted cardiovascular and respiratory systems that allow them to beat their wings up to four times per second without fatiguing.
Its streamlined and pointed wings and powerful chest muscles allow rapid wingbeats, while its beak reduces wind resistance. The falcon’s eyes also have a third eyelid, the nictitating membrane, which clears debris during high-speed dives.

2. Falcons live around the world

The falcon family, or Falconidae, comprises over 40 species of falcons inhabiting every continent except Antarctica. For example, the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) can live in warm coastal areas to freezing mountain tops2.
Around the onset of winter, peregrine falcons migrate from colder regions, such as the tundra in Alaska and Canada, traveling distances up to 15,500 miles to warmer lands in South America. This remarkable shift showcases the adaptability of where peregrine falcons live and their incredible endurance as they navigate through varied terrains and weather patterns.
Further, the Gyrfalcon is the largest falcon, with icy plumage, living exclusively in the Arctic region. The Gyrfalcon consumes a varied diet of birds and mammals.
Meanwhile, common kestrels are smaller than the Gyrfalcon and are Europe’s most widespread raptor. The kestrel can hover in the wind and follows a distinct hunting style, making it easily identifiable in Europe.

3. Falcons have great eye sight

One fascinating falcon fact you might now know is that a falcon’s vision is nearly eight times better than a human’s, meaning they can spot a flea on a soccer ball from a distance across the field, a helpful ability for diurnal birds. This also allows the birds to spot small prey from nearly two miles away, and then swoop down precisely to catch it.
Evolution has worked its slow magic on the falcon eye to make it so useful. These birds have an extra eyelid that moves from side to side and is partially translucent, allowing them to see through it while still enjoying its protection. They also have a ridge over their eyes to shade them from the sun, and and special bones in their skull to keep the eyes in place when making sudden moves.
Additionally, falcons’ eyes cover almost 50% of their head, giving them a significantly wider field of vision. This feature is comparable to having built-in binoculars and allows falcons to sight a mouse from distances exceeding 1.5 miles.
Despite their astonishing speed, a falcon’s gaze remains fixed on its prey thanks to the abundance of sensory cells in their eyes, almost twice as many as humans.

4. Falcons have a tooth in their beaks

Unlike other birds, these solitary hunters have a ‘tomial tooth’ in their beak, a sharp protrusion designed to interlock with a groove in the lower beak. This tooth amplifies the falcon’s bite, turning its beak into a lethal weapon. The tomial tooth severs the spinal cord of its prey; falcons kill their prey quickly and without struggle.
Interestingly, the tomial tooth is made of keratin, the same material as human hair and nails. Therefore, a falcon’s beak and talons can experience wear and tear but can grow back to its pristine condition.

5. Falcons mate for life

Falcons’ loyalty to their partners is comparable to human monogamy. Once they pair up, it becomes a lifelong commitment rather than a temporary alliance. They care for their young in nesting sites mainly located around remote cliffs.

However, this doesn’t mean they act like a married couple, cooking dinner and play Bingo together. Falcons only come together to mate, and otherwise spend their lives as solitary hunters.
During nesting season, the male falcon, or ‘tiercel,’ hunts and provides food, while the female, or ‘falcon,’ incubates the eggs and cares for the hatchlings. This joint effort is essential for their offspring’s survival and strengthens their bond till they become adult birds.

6. Falcons dance in the sky to attract mates

Next on our falcon facts list: During the mating season, the male executes perfectly calculated moves while carrying small items or food in his talons. The highlight of the performance is the male falcon’s ability to drop and catch these objects while still in flight, demonstrating his hunting prowess.
This aerial ballet also helps falcons bond, setting the foundation for their shared future. During this performance, falcons fly thousands of feet in the air, where precision and finesse take center stage.

7. Falcons have a tooth in their beaks

Unlike other birds, these solitary hunters have a ‘tomial tooth’ in their beak, a sharp protrusion designed to interlock with a groove in the lower beak. This tooth amplifies the falcon’s bite, turning its beak into a lethal weapon. The tomial tooth severs the spinal cord of its prey; falcons kill their prey quickly and without struggle.
Interestingly, the tomial tooth is made of keratin, the same material as human hair and nails. Therefore, a falcon’s beak and talons can experience wear and tear but can grow back to its pristine condition.

8. Humans have trained falcons for centuries

You may have seen artistic depictions of falconry, the art of training and using falcons to hunt small animals and birds, from the Middle Ages or the Renaissance. In fact, this collaboration is much older. Ancient artworks illustrating falconry date back at least 3,500 years to ancient Mesopotamia and Mongolia. While historically falconry was an elite and male-dominated activity, we have records of several notable women enjoying the hobby, including Queen Elizabeth I, Catherine the Great of Russia and Mary, Queen of Scots. The people of that era recognized falcons’ sharp intellect and adept hunting skills, particularly their sharp talons and rapid dives.
The ancient Egyptians also worshipped the god Horus, often portrayed with the head of a falcon, indicating their great significance in ancient Egyptian culture.
In medieval Europe, falconry reflected one’s social status, specifically for those of noble birth. Only kings and nobles could own and train falcons. It was impressive to see a falcon in action, with its wings spread wide, as it pursued a small game.
Moreover, falconry had political implications. The upper classes often gifted each other well-trained falcons, symbolizing alliances and strategic moves in the realm of power. Falconry is still practiced worldwide today, and there is even an international association for the practice, with a membership of more than 60,000 people.

9. Falcons have inspired aerospace research

The diving speed of Peregrine falcons has inspired innovations in aerospace engineering. For example, the falcon’s streamlined body and tapered wings have influenced high-speed aircraft design, making flight more efficient and agile.
Designers of jet engines have also looked at the falcon’s nostril cone, which disrupts airflow and prevents lung damage during high-speed dives, to design new engines. The falcon’s exceptional vision has also spurred ideas for surveillance and reconnaissance technologies.
Finally, this majestic bird has a feather structure that reduces drag and noise, inspiring scientists to explore their potential for reducing noise pollution from aircraft.

10. Female falcons are bigger than males

Sexual dimorphism is common among these birds of prey; female birds are larger than their male counterparts. The female falcon has a larger build and more muscle power, giving her an advantage in hunting larger prey species. Her greater endurance allows for a broader range of prey, resulting in a more dependable food supply for their offspring.
In contrast, the male falcon is smaller but more agile, enabling him to dart with remarkable speed and accuracy and corner quick-footed prey that might evade the larger female.
By dividing up the hunting grounds based on their physical abilities, the falcons can exploit diverse food sources, contributing to their survival and reproductive success.


Falcons are powerful and regal birds that have served humans and the animal kingdom in different ways throughout the centuries.

Clement Christopher

Clement Christopher is a content writer with a passion for writing unique and compelling contents about nature that grab readers attention. For the past 4 years, he has been working with clients to write contents that not only looks great but also spur interest in nature. His knack for nature compels him to volunteer at some animal shelter and also visit some zoos. He is always looking for opportunities to write and bring a unique perspective and creative approach to every project.

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