It is a common thing to hear birds sing during the day, however, you must’ve heard some birdsong at night as well. And wondered about the type of birds that perform in the dark and why. To help your curiosity, we bring you 10 majestic birds that sing at night and why they have adapted to their unique environments and developed captivating calls that put you to sleep.
10 majestic birds that sing at night
Eastern Whip-poor-will:
The Eastern Whip-poor-will (antrostomus vociferus) is a well-known night singer in North America with brown wings that form a perfect camouflage. It has a distinctive call, which sounds like its name being repeated over and over again “whip-poor-will”. It is common to hear this majestic bird’s song in forests and woodlands during spring and summer nights. It is so popular that filmmakers have adopted it as the mascot of summer nights. If you enjoy sleeping during summer, chances are that your sleep is induced by the birdsong! Maybe.
Common Poorwill:
The Common Poorwill is native to western North America, it is known for its soft, repetitive song that resembles a gentle purring sound of its name “poor will”. This bird’s nocturnal serenades are often associated with warm summer evenings to create a serene atmosphere.
Tawny Owl:
Native to Europe and parts of Asia, the Tawny Owl is renowned for its haunting hoots that echo through forests at night. Its deep “hoo-hoo-hoo” call adds an air of mystery to moonlit landscapes.
Northern Mockingbird:
Just as the name implies, the Northern Mockingbird (mimus polyglottos) is primarily known for mimicking sounds of other birds like jays, Orioles, and hawks. But it also mimics sounds of frogs, insects, creaky doors, echoes and car alarms during the day. It can also create its soothing melodies during moonlit nights.
Mockingbirds are said to mimic over 200 sounds during their lifetime which includes both sexes singing. While male mockingbirds sing mostly during the breeding season. Its repertoire includes imitations of other bird species as well as unique melodies it creates on its own.
Sedge Warbler:
Sedge Warblers are small passerine birds found in Europe and Asia with a delightful melody that can be heard both day and night during breeding season. Its varied notes which include chirps, trills and warblers create a beautiful symphony amidst reed beds.
Barking Owl:
Native to Australia, New Guinea and Moluccas, the Barking Owl also know as the winking owl lives up to its name with vocalisations resembling barks or dog-like howls during nighttime hours. These calls serve as territorial displays and communication between mates.
Little Owl:
The Little Owl is approximately 22cm long, which is how it got its me to behind with. It can be found in Europe, Asia, and North Africa, and is known for its distinctive “kiew” call that can be heard during the night. This small owl’s vocalisations are often associated with rural landscapes like farmlands, woodlands and fringes.
Rufous Nightjar:
The Rufous Nightjar is a bird native to South America that sings at night with a unique churring sound. It can be found in Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Lucia, Trinidad and other parts of South America. Its rhythmic calls create an enchanting atmosphere in tropical forests and grasslands.
Mottled Owl:
Residing in Central and South America, the Mottled Owl (Strix virgata) is recognized for its deep hoots that resonate through the night. These medium-sized birds are often heard near dense forests or open woodlands.
European Nightjar:
As its name suggests, the Eurasian Nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus Linnaeus) is a nocturnal bird found across Europe and parts of Asia and Africa. It has a wide mouth that is useful for eating insects and producing distinctive churring songs during summer nights with an ethereal ambiance. If you’re superstitious, you might think of the churning as a spiritual call.
There you have the 10 majestic birds that sing at night, now you know what type of birds produce the songs you hear during summer nights. As to why, many people may assume birds just enjoy creating melodies for the world to enjoy. Maybe true, however, the primary reasons birds sing is for protection, to find food and for mating.
While we may associate birdsong with daylight hours, these ten birds prove that there is much more to discover when it comes to avian vocalizations at night. From haunting hoots to melodic churrs, these nocturnal singers add a touch of magic to our evenings and remind us of the diverse beauty found within nature’s symphony after dark.